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Student Activities/Clubs

Academic Quiz Team: The Nation Ford Academic Quiz Team competes at a district, state and national level.  We participate in 6-8 meets during the school year against area high schools, most of them held during the second semester on Wednesdays from January – March.  We also compete in the regional science and history bowls as well as other regional and national bowls.  We practice during Flex on Mondays year-round. During practices, we break into smaller teams and compete against ourselves on the competition topics of Math, English/Literature, Social Studies, Science, Arts, sports trivia and current events.

African American Student Association: The goal of this club is to provide students with an opportunity to engage in activities and discussions designed to help foster a better understanding of experiences and issues that impact African-American students. AASA at Nation Ford is open to all students regardless of racial and/or cultural differences. AASA welcomes diversity as it provides a table for rich discussion, understanding and acceptance. AASA is student governed with supervision provided by Dr. Ben Seisay.

Art Club: Art Club provides members with opportunities to express individuality through artwork.  The work is displayed in unique ways by the schools, community and members themselves. The Art Club meets on the second and fourth Wednesday every month during flex in E204. 

Beta Club: Beta Club is a student-led service organization. "We lead by serving others."  NFHS Beta Club members consist of sophomores, juniors, and seniors. To remain a member of the Nation Ford National Beta Club, you must maintain a GPA of 3.8 (on the SC scale), participate in service activities, attend meetings, and remain in good moral standing, no suspensions. The club will meet on the second Friday of every month. or

Chess Club:  Chess Club's mission is to enrich students through the game of chess by not only learning life lessons from chess, but to implement them in life. We strive to create a safe, fun, educational environment for everyone to play chess and enjoy. School can create lots of stress and anxiety. The chess club can act as a safe haven for all the stress and anxiety to be relieved. 

Chick-fil-A Leader Academy™ is a national high school leadership program focused on IMPACT THROUGH ACTION. The world needs more leaders who impact their local communities, and we believe high school students are the answer! Chick-fil-A Leader Academy has a seven-month curriculum, taught once per month. The program engages students with a monthly “Leader Lab” focusing on important leadership skills. In addition, students plan and implement several community-based service projects that include support of a local elementary school's academic program and the local care center's support of those in need.  Throughout the program, students also plan an “impact project,” which is the culmination of the program. The impact project is student-planned and student-led. Chick-fil-A Leader Academy focuses on the following leadership insights: vision and values, servant leadership, teamwork, communication, innovation, and impact.  When:  during FLEX on scheduled dates as announced Where:  D-502  Sponsor email:

Club Unify: Club Unify is part of Unified Sports, a Special Olympics education and sports-based program that promotes respect through sports and social interaction. Project Unify strives to build an inclusive environment among youth with and without intellectual disabilities, as well as empowering them to be leaders and agents for change. It meets daily during FLEX in B-103 unless otherwise noted.

Engineering Club: Engineering students will learn to use current manufacturing equipment/technology to design and create projects of their choice. Students must have had Introduction to Engineering as a pre-requisite in order to participate in this club. Meeting times: TBD    Limited to 10 students to maintain shop safety.  

Esports Club / Team: Esports is new in FMSD and at NAFO. Esports, also known as Electronic Sports, is a growing sport that involves competitive video games. Being part of the Esports Club provides the following life skills such as: Teamwork, Communication, Strategy, Critical thinking, to be a part of a well-rounded and cooperative team plus possible scholarship opportunities. We will play Rocket League and League of Legends in brand new gaming computers. We will meet as a club in the Fall 2023 semester. Our goal is to compete in the Spring 2024 semester in the High School Esports League. All levels welcome. Mrs. Lopez Torres and Mr. Truesdale D503 Remind: @khabhe

Family Careers and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA): FCCLA is the leadership organization of Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS). FCCLA gives you the opportunity to plan and complete service projects, gain leadership experience through planning and executing a school-wide awareness campaign, and complete college-styled presentations through competing in STAR Events categories such as Advocacy, Sports Nutrition, Nutrition and Wellness, Interior Design, Child Development, Fashion Design, Sustainability Practices, and so much more. 

FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes): Mission Statement: FCA is a Christian organization that inspires students to develop their Christian faith and come together in worship, fellowship, service, and study. Our sponsors are Ms. Byrd, Ms. Adamson, and Ms. Jensen. We meet every Thursday in the practice gym during FLEX. You can sign up by using our Remind text: @NAFOFCA for upcoming events.,

FFA (Future Farmers of America): FFA is a student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. But FFA is not just for students who want to be production farmers; FFA also welcomes members who aspire to careers as teachers, doctors, scientists, business owners and more. Meetings are scheduled for 6:00 pm on the first Monday of each month. FFA is a national organization with local chapters in all 50 states. FFA chapter members participate in educational travel, competitions, community service, & leadership activities.  

Flock Shop (school store):This club is responsible for everything related to managing and running the school store, including deciding on and designing the products and apparel that are sold, determining quantities to order and pricing, managing inventory, working with other clubs/organizations to stock their branded products, staffing the shop with volunteer students, and promoting the entire product line. All students who have had a level 1 Digital Art & Design class at Nation Ford are eligible to join.

French Club:  This group meets to explore and celebrate French culture and language.  All are welcome.  Meetings and events are designed to promote the French program here at NaFo and to create a greater awareness of French influence in the U.S. and in the world.  We enjoy sharing French food, videos, and fun facts and stories about French-speaking cultures.  Meetings areone Monday a month in C511 during FLEX.  

Happy Birthday Teacher Club: Students have the opportunity to give back to their teachers.   We make a balloon and a little bag of candy to give to the teacher along with a sweet happy birthday song.

HOSA-Future Health Professionals: A student-led organization designed for students interested in the healthcare field. HOSA-FHP provides opportunities for students to sharpen their occupational awareness and skills while developing valuable leadership qualities. Members learn to appreciate their ability to help people who need health care or a better understanding of health-related issues. HOSA-FHP promotes the development of good decision-making skills that can help members reach full career potential. It promotes fellowship through social and recreational activities. It provides members with opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development in areas of healthcare. Through programs of motivation, awareness and recognition, students can choose from over 50 events to participate during the State Leadership Conference in the spring of every year. 

Indian Cultural Organization: The goal of this club is to provide students with an opportunity to engage in activities and discussions about the Indian Culture. ICO at Nation Ford is open to all students regardless of racial and/or cultural differences. ICO welcomes diversity as it provides a table for rich discussion, understanding and acceptance. Meetings occur every other Monday in Room B518.

International Club: The International Club strives to teach all students the value of cultural awareness through education and dialogue with people from other countries in order to promote positive community and global relations. Each club meeting focuses on the cultural practices, products, and perspectives of a certain country. Students who are from that country will present some facts about it, but the main purpose is to explain or debunk common stereotypes and teach others about their native culture. Students do NOT need to be from a foreign country to join; all are welcome. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 26th in the auditorium.  Members must join the Remind by texting @deaeef to 81010.  Sponsors are Ms. Sims, Mr. Figuero, Ms. Lucci, and Ms. Perdomo

Mental Wealth Club:  Mental Wealth is an all-inclusive club that focuses on educating people about mental health and bringing awareness to mental health differences; by enriching the mindsets of students, we can help others and ourselves. This club was started to shape a new culture, let others be represented, and let people express themselves. We will educate the old and new generation by bringing a long-needed awareness to the mental diversity in our communities.   

Model UN (Model United Nations): Model UN is an organization in which students can role-play delegates of the United Nations as well as simulate United Nations committees. Skills gained by participating in this club include research, writing, public speaking and cooperation with students from other schools. Students have the opportunity to participate in a training conference or formal competition in the fall and the annual Winthrop University Model UN Conference in March. We will meet every Tuesday from 3:10 - 4:00 in room N502.       

Mu Alpha Theta:  Mu Alpha Theta is dedicated to inspiring keen interest in mathematics, developing strong scholarships in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in high school and two-year college students. Students will participate in monthly meetings, and will complete service hours through peer tutoring.  First Thursday of the month- C110 during FLEX  

National Honor Society:  The National Honor Society is a nationwide organization for high school students in the United States. Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Students at Nation Ford High School must be juniors or seniors and have at least a 3.75 unweighted GPA to be considered for membership. Students are selected by a Faculty Council through an application process. All student members must also reflect on the program's respective pillars to be inducted - and they must continue demonstrating these pillars within their community throughout their membership. 

National Art Honor Society: National Art Honor Society is an academic club for academic-achieving art students. These students work to create art for the school and community. Meetings will be on the first and third Wednesday every month during flex in E204.

Photography Club: Are you interested in photography? Do you use your digital camera or the camera on your phone and LOVE to share your pictures? Then come and share in Photography Club! You do not need to own a fancy camera or even a camera at all! You can use the camera on your cell phone.  Each month there will be a unique theme for photos, and each person will share up to ten photos that center around the chosen theme. Meeting Location: Room N509 Meeting Time: Second Friday of the month during FLEX

Performing Arts Company/International Thespian Society: The International Thespian Society (ITS), founded in 1929, is an honorary organization for high school theatre students located at more than 4200 affiliated secondary schools across America, Canada, and abroad. The mission of ITS is to honor student achievement in the theatre arts. High school inductees are known as Thespians. ITS is a division of the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA).  International Thespian Club meeting as needed.

Prom Club: Students help plan, organize, setup and cleanup to make the night enjoyable for the faculty and students. Come get involved to make this year's prom the best yet!

Quill & Scroll International Honorary Society: Quill & Scroll International Honorary Society seeks to encourage, support and recognize individual student excellence, initiative and achievement in scholastic journalism. Students must have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and must have taken at least 2 semesters of a course in the journalism program (Intro to Journalism, newspaper, yearbook, broadcast, and/or creative writing). Students must also be recommended for membership by the publication advisers.

Robotics Club: The Nation Ford Robotics club is an integrated STEM education program. This year we will participate in SeaPerch. SeaPerch guides participants through a real-world engineering and design project centered around building an underwater ROV   

Safe Zone: Safe Zone is a safe place for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and straight allies to support each other and learn more about the LGBTQ community. We’d love for you to attend our informational meetings to see what we are all about. We meet on the Second and Fourth Wednesdays of the month during FLEX in B110.  For text reminders, text “@NFSafeZone” to 81010 to sign up for our Remind messages.  For more information, contact Mr. Whittemore in room C111 or via email

Spirit Club: Spirit Club helps to bring all students together and give support and appreciation for the athletes at school all while promoting school spirit. Spirit Club plans/facilitates pep rallies, game night themes, Senior nights, Senior Sunrise, Adopt an Athlete and helps get the audience involved at athletic events. Spirit Club is one of the driving forces behind school-wide projects and events. Meetings announced via Remind (text @spiritnafo to 81010 to receive info.) Advisor: Holly Bentley

Student Council: NFHS Student Council is an organization that is led by students and supervised by adult sponsors. The purpose of the student council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and implementing school activities and service projects. Events are planned to promote school spirit and community involvement. Senators from each grade level are elected by the student body and class representatives are invited by the sponsors in the fall of each school year. ;

Students in Action: Students in Action is a club dedicated to helping the lower-income neighborhoods in our area by raising money/supplies to support them. We are planning on connecting our club with all three schools in our district, (NFHS, CRHS, and FMHS) being the first ones to do so. The proceeds from all three high schools will be combined by the end of the year to go to these low-income neighborhoods. With Students in Action, students are presented with an opportunity to not only be more connected with their community, but also connected with the district schools. Advisors:

Students Sheltering Students:  Students Sheltering Students is a club dedicated to assisting local shelters that house youth. We work with organizations like the Children’s Attention Home and Defend the Fatherless to organize donation drives and prepare meals. Students interesting in joining can reach out to Beth Sidwell or attend any meeting. Meetings are the first and third Tuesday of each month during FLEX in B120. 

Sustainability Club: Our mission is to spread awareness of local environmental issues and sustainable practices. We will encourage students to become leaders in the community and stewards of our local environment. Anyone who cares about the environment and wants to help make our school more sustainable is welcome to join! We will collect recycling around the school every Friday and meet twice a month on Mondays during FLEX.  Bree Bingham

Voices for Diversity: Voices for Diversity is a club that works to create an inclusive school environment in which all voices are heard and all feel like they are safe and belong. We meet twice a month during Flex.  Through various projects, collaboration with other clubs, and student activism, we strive to promote positive change at Nation Ford. 

Voices literary and art magazine staff: The award-winning Voices literary and art magazine staff creates, selects, and edits content for the magazine, which includes writing in all genres, art in any medium, and photography or digital images. Submissions are open to the entire student body; the staff determines theme and designs the magazine. In addition, interested staff members may also choose to attend conferences and/or compete in state and regional contests. The Voices lit mag staff welcomes students in grades 9-12 who are passionate about literary or fine arts. The staff will meet during FLEX (day TBD) once a week in room D109 with adviser Beth Swann. 

Walking Club: We meet on Fridays during FLEX in room N114 and then head out to the track. The only rule is you must move! You must sign up because membership is capped at 50.;     

Women's Empowerment Club: Women’s Empowerment is a diverse and inclusive club that is welcome to all who truly care and want to make an impact. We hope to strengthen our community by empowering and uplifting women locally and around the globe. Importantly, also bringing awareness to the social and economic struggles that women still face in the world today. This club works to support women of all races, ethnicities, and nationalities, which will be reflected in the organizations and charities we work with and the news stories we bring attention to in our school. Women’s Empowerment will be hosting fun events every month to benefit women in need and build a positive community! We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month in D508.

Yearbook Club: The Yearbook Club was created for those students who would like to participate in the production of our school’s annual yearbook. Some students want a taste of what the class does when we meet, while others want to contribute, though they cannot make room for the class in their schedules. You may help us get photos at sporting events or other school events. You may help us with layout or other design aspects. You may enjoy talking to people and helping us get interviews and even write stories and captions.   

YCI: Youth Commission International Clubs are student-led gatherings on high school campuses to pray, study God's Word, enjoy snacks and fellowship with the goal of shining the light of Jesus and showing authentic love to every student. The meeting time will be every Wednesday during FLEX in room D112. Contact Mrs. K or Ms. Ahl for more details.  or

Yoga Club:  Meeting every other Wednesday during FLEX in the dance studio, the YOGA club practices yoga poses which are appropriate for beginners to encourage flexibility and connection between body and mind

Youth 4 Abolition (Y4A): This is a club that wants to educate about modern day slavery and use activism to help stop human trafficking. Meeting time is the second Thursday of every month during FLEX in room D112.  Please contact Mrs. K or Ms. Ahl if interested.  or