Withdrawal Process
If a student is withdrawing from Nation Ford High School to transfer to another school, then the student must formally withdraw before registering at a new school. Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) need to contact the school registrar directly to set up a time to come in to withdraw.
For all withdrawals, the student’s parent or legal guardian must be present to withdraw the student. When you come in for the appointment to withdraw, please bring your ID. The parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) will receive a copy of the withdrawal form along with an unofficial transcript for the student.
Students wanting to drop out are required to schedule a meeting with their school counselor prior to their meeting with the registrar.
Please try to provide a minimum of two business days’ notice to expedite the process.
Please call or email Scarlett Westmoreland at 803-835-0015 or email westmorelands@fortmillschools.org to set up an appointment time.